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B.Ed 2nd Semester Notes - School Management - Unit 1 (c) - Institutional Planning

Hello everyone,
I am sharing my notes of Institutional Planning: Meaning, Objectives, Characteristics, and advantages of institutional planning - Unit 1(c) - School Management

Q1. What is institutional planning? What are the objectives and advantages of institutional planning? (8Marks)



  Planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired goals. It is first and foremost activity and involves creation and maintenance of a plan.
  Institution is a social structure in which people cooperate and influences the behavior of people and the way they live. An institution has a purpose, they are permanent i.e. it do not end when one person is gone. It has rules and can enforce rules of human behavior.


  Institutional Planning is that planning which deals with ways or methods to be adopted by any institution for achieving its prescribed goals. It is purely based on the scientific methods.
  For example: University, Banks, Church, etc.


  According to E.W. Franklin, “Institutional Planning is a milestone in the journey towards the improvement of education”.

  According to M.B. Buch, “Institutional Planning is a programme of development and improvement prepared by an educational institution on the basis of its felt needs and the resources available or likely to be available with a view to improve the school programme and school practices constitute a plan for an institution”.


  1. Need Based: Institutional planning is purely based on the need of the concerned institution. Needs are well recognized by the school authorities and teachers concerned.
  2.  Target Oriented: It tends to achieve the desired goals of an educational institution. Educational institution prepares the quantitative and qualitative institutional planning in right perspective.
  3. Efficient and effective utilization of human resources: Institutional planning checks the wastage of resources and directs to utilize human resources properly.
  4. Encouraging and motivating: It motivates and encourages the members (teaching and non-teaching staff) of school plant to achieve the objectives of educational institution.
  5. Based on reformation: Institutional planning undertake the reforms in educational institution. It incorporates the reformations pertaining to academic and non-academic environment prevailing in educational institutions to achieve the desired goals.
  6. Systematic and specific plan: Institutional planning is based on the needs of educational institution, so it is highly specific and cannot be implemented in every school plant and carried out in systematic way.
  7. Simple and flexible: Institutional Planning is simple and flexible in nature i.e. it changes according to time and conditions. It needs regular planning from time to time.
  8. Based on future plans: Planning is done in present to achieve goals in future, so it works by keeping in view the needs of future.
  9. Democratic in nature: It includes active participation of the school staff. They collectively make possible for the achievement of objectives.
  10. Practicability of planning: All planning are connected at the grass root levels. Planning should be achievable i.e. it should not be extraordinary or superficial thing which becomes impossible to follow.
  11. Cooperative in nature: Institutional planning is not limited to an individual rather it entails the full cooperation of the authorities, teachers and non-teaching staff.
  12. Improvement, development and progress: The chief motive of an institutional planning is to improve the conditions of any school plant. It provides the means to achieve educational objectives by the process of development and progress of school plant.
  13. Reducing and eliminating wastage: Proper management of scarce resources like human resources and equipment.
  14. Problem based: The prime feature of institutional planning is to locate the problem followed by its relevant solution.
  15. Mobile in nature: It brings appreciable changes in educational setting by achieving the objectives of an institution.

  1. To achieve the goals of institution: It facilitates the completion and accomplishment of the whole execution of the institution.
  2. To improve educational institution: It deals with the improvement of institution at different levels – physical (building) and economical (monitory).
  3. To make teaching-learning effective and influential: It serves to establish a healthy and congenial educational environment in school where teacher pays interest in his teaching and the pupil respond positively to teacher’s action.
  4. To use and utilize the resources: Institutional planning tends to differentiate human and non-human resources of institution with a goal to collect, organise and utilize the resources of the institution.
  5. To improve co-curricular activities: Co-curricular activities are highly important in making lesson more interesting and effective. These help in understanding the learning material on part of the students and inculcate among them the qualitative aspects of good learning.
  6. To improve library: Condition of library is generally not good in schools, due to no planning in this regard is implemented. Library is a source of knowledge and develops the habit of self-learning.
  7. To develop and enrich creativity: It helps in drawing out the skills from the pupil so as to make them more efficient and skilful in any educational institution. Creativity on the part of pupils paves the way for achieving the success in every area of life.
  8. To impact realistic and concreteness: It imparts realistic as well as concreteness (possible) attitude for smooth functioning of school plant. It helps in achievement of objectives by providing realistic shape to plans and operationalising them to support practical approach of various plans.
  9. To Utilize human resources: The main objective behind institutional planning is to establish cooperation and coordination among all personnel resources of schools including headmaster, teacher, student, non-teaching staff, etc. for the development of educational institution.
  10. Initiation on the part of the teacher: It makes various actions of teachers operational to make them more effective. It helps teachers direct towards their objectives. It will foster ethics, morality and effectiveness in teaching.
  11. To provide freedom for teacher: It is important to provide full freedom to teachers for teaching because only teachers can think logically about his subject matter efficiently.
  12. Incorporating every teacher in the framing and implementation of plan: Institutional planning’s main objective is to prepare short term plans followed by their implementation by ensuring the involvement of the teachers so that their syllabus along with other activity can be completed.
  13. To develop and enrich disciplinary practices: It helps in developing, maintaining and enriching the discipline among students, teachers and academic staff to achieve the desired objectives.
  14. To develop feeling of cooperation among teachers and students: Each and every activity of school demands cooperation among headmaster, teaching and non-teaching staff, students as well as parents to achieve the goals of the institution.
  15. To foster all-round development of institution: Good institutional planning helps to bring positive results of various plans and procedure of the institution by providing benefits to students, teachers, authorities and non-teaching staff as well inculcates self-discipline, proper utilization of resources, minimizing wastage, establishing cooperation and coordination among student and teachers, etc.

Conclusion: Thus, Institution planning is a proper planning of the ways and activities to be carried on in an institution throughout its life for its development and achieving goals by utilizing all resources (human and non-human) effectively and efficiently.

Hope you all find it helpful and useful😊


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